Ideas that have helped Mankind summary

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# Ideas that have helped summary


Ideas that have helped mankind is an essay witten by Bertrand Russes. In this essay he talks about growth of human civillization. He says that We are civilized today but thousands of years ago we were uncivilized. We were living in jungles and caves like animals. But today we are civilized. We have pleasure of Alcohol, music, poetry , science and game but Animals don’t have. It is our intellect and moral qualities which makes us different from animals. The ideas that helped most to the mankind may be divided into two kinds.(a) those that contributed knowledge and technique (b) those that were concerned with morals and politics. The writer is not sure whether the language begain first or fire began first. He says that fire was used for cooking and thus the long history of cookery began. Writings like speech developed gradually in the form of picture and speech. Thus the ideas that have helped mankind is about the growth of our thoughts. 



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