A pinch of snuff summary

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A pinch of snuff is a short written by Manohar Malgaonkar. He was born in 1913. He is a well known novelist and short story writer. This story is full of wit and adventure. It this story author shows the wife of nanukaka. When author ‘s mother announces Nanukaka is coming then author got disappointed but anyhow the narratar goes to the station and meets him who has an impressive personality with white hairs and moustache. Nanukaka came to narratar ‘s house to meet some ministers.Nanukaka takes a pinch of snuff and narratar took Nanukaka to see the welfair minister. He takes a splendid car. For this he calls for a dhobi and uses to trap the manager of sikka auto Dealers than he takes car to minister. In visitor ,s book he mentions himesalf The Hereditary pundit to the Maharaja of Ninnore.At last he gave Delhi address where the writer lives. In the long run the welfair minister himeself comes to residence of the writer where Nanukaka welcome him with respect. Thus this story shows the adventure and determination of Nanukaka to do anything.

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