A child is born subjective question and answer
1. How are the ways of managing child birth in traditional societies useful.
Answer-: The ways of managing child bird in traditional society are many and varied. Their usefulness is found in the branches off shoots of a family.
2. Pregnent woman in a traditional society does not feel that she is alone. Why.
Answer-: pregnant woman in a traditional society does not feel that she is alone because she gets lots of love and care.
3. What is truism of anthropologies ” that the write talks about.
Answer-: The truism of anthropologies is that newly married woman does not because member of their their new family until they have borne a child after marriage they go to their mother in law’s house from their mother’s house.
4. Where do sylheti woman go to stay during the last stage of pregnancy.
Answer-: Sylheti woman goes to her mother ‘s house for the last few mother of her pregnancy and about the first three months of the baby’s life.