How free is the press vvi objective question

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How free is the press objective

1. How free is the press is written by.
A. H E Betes
B. Dr. Zakir Hussain
C. Dorothy L sayers
D. Bertrand Russell
Answer-: C

2. Are careful not to antagonize the press.
A. Politicians
B. Teachers
C. Doctor
D. Traders
Answer-: A

3. Censorship is imposed during.
A. Peaceful time
B. Emergency
C. Electric
D. Trands
Answer-: B

4. The is not the master but the servant of the people.
A. State
B. Govt
C. District
D. Village
Answer-: A

5. The press is under ordinary conditions singularly free.
A. Indian
B. European
C. Chinese
D. Vritish
Answer-: D

6. The first chief source of a newspaper ‘s revenue is .
A. Advertisement
B. Grant by the Govt
C. Donation
D. Devt
Answer-: A

7. The second chief source of a newspaper ‘s revenue is.
A. Grant by the Govt
B. Donation
C. Debt
D. The wealth of owner
Answer-: D

8. One of the six charge the author makes against the press is.
A. Sensational headlines
B. Printing nude photographs
C. Paid news
D. No importance to children
Answer-: A

9. A free and fair press is the true watch of democracy.
A. Cat
B. Man
C. Bird
D. Tiger
Answer-: B

10. The can make it break reputation.
A. Main
B. Saint
C. Teacher
D. Press
Answer-: D

11. The editorial policy of a popular daily is controlled by chief factors.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. One
Answer-: A

12. The news in the newspapers is generally.
A. To the point
B. Somewhat changed
C. Completely changed
D. None of these
Answer-: B

13. Decent journalists and responsible editors are not pleased white present affairs.
A. True
B. Not true
C. Cannot be said
D. None of these
Answer-: A

14. The press enjoy the.
A. Boldness of public
B. The helpnessness of the public
C. Idleness of the public
D. None of these
Answer-: B

15. No widely circulated newspaper dares support a public policy due to vested interest of.
A. The Government
B. Editor
C. Reported
D. Advertisers
Answer-: D

16. The police of a newspaper is largely determined by.
A. The government
B. The public
C. The proprietor
D. None of these
Answer-: C

17. The author has given the forms of misrepresentation they are.
A. Five
B. Four
C. Seven
D. Six
Answer-: D

18. Sorothy L. Sayers was born in.
A. 1839
B. 1873
C. 1883
D. 1893
Answer-: D

19. She died in.
A. 1967
B. 1957
C. 1977
D. 1987
Answer-: B

20. She was educated at.
A. Cambridge
B. Oxford
C. Both
D. None of these
Answer-: B

21. In democracy the freedom of is.
A. Not necessary
B. Necessary
C. Dangerous
D. None of these
Answer-: B

22. Freedom of press is restricted during.
A. Peace
B. War
C. Epidemic
D. None of these
Answer-: B

23. That without a free press there can be no free people us a thing that all free people take for granted .we need not discuss it. ” is a statement taken from.
A. A principal of snuff
B. Ideas that have helped mankind
C. Marriage proposal
D. How free is the press
Answer-: D

24. When we speak of the freedom of the press. we usually mean freedom in a very technical and restricted sense namely freedom from direction or censorship by the government ” is a statement taken from.
A. A pinch of snuff
B. Ideas that have helped mankind
C. Marriage proposal
D. How free is the press
Answer-: D

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